March 8 is a special day for women. This is because it is International Women’s Day, often called “International Women’s Day.” The day symbolized equality between men and women and was created over 100 years ago. All over the world, many actions and demonstrations are held by people who are working for more justice for women.
A lot has been done since the first International Women’s Day until today. Nevertheless, women and men are still not treated equally in many countries.
For example, companies have many more male bosses than female ones. In addition, women are paid less than men on average, even if they do the same work.
Discrimination against women in other countries
However, there are much greater injustices in other countries around the world. For example, women in some Arab states are still prohibited from voting. So they cannot influence politics in their country. Women are also severely oppressed in the private sphere in many countries. For example, they have no access to education or can only make decisions with a man’s consent. Of course, attention should be drawn to such and other injustices not only on International Women’s Day.
- hp/Bild von Selver Učanbarlić auf Pixabay
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